Our baby girl.xxxx


Created by Shelley 11 years ago
we will never forget our baby girl Ivy Grace. XXXXX Who was born only over 8 weeks ago on the 8th April 2012. After having such a healthy pregnancy, i noticed we were not having much movement on my husbands birthday on the 4th of April. By the 6th of April ( which was good friday) we really felt something wasn't right. We arrived at the hospital where our worst fears were confirmed. Multiple staff members couldn't find our baby's heart beat. We were then told the news! ( every parents nightmare) her heart had stopped beating i was 34 1/2 weeks pregnant!!!!!!! x I was induced that day!!! then went on to be induced a further 5 times. Eventually being put on a pintocin drip on the 8th April ( easter sunday) our baby girl was then delivered that afternoon. She died due to a cord accident the cord was tightly wrapped around her neck once!!!! it was just too tight. We were told it was a 1.3 % chance of happening extremely rare. We think of her every day. She was so perfect in every other way and so beautiful xxxxxx Some people dream of Angels , We held one in our arms.xxxxxxxxx